diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/net/moonleay/lilJudd/Bot.kt b/src/main/kotlin/net/moonleay/lilJudd/Bot.kt
index 8282212..4196213 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/net/moonleay/lilJudd/Bot.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/net/moonleay/lilJudd/Bot.kt
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ object Bot {
+ add(::RotationExtension)
this.presence {
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/net/moonleay/lilJudd/extensions/RotationExtension.kt b/src/main/kotlin/net/moonleay/lilJudd/extensions/RotationExtension.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c458b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/net/moonleay/lilJudd/extensions/RotationExtension.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+ * lilJudd
+ * Copyright (C) 2024 moonleay
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see .
+ */
+package net.moonleay.lilJudd.extensions
+import com.kotlindiscord.kord.extensions.commands.Arguments
+import com.kotlindiscord.kord.extensions.commands.application.slash.converters.impl.enumChoice
+import com.kotlindiscord.kord.extensions.extensions.Extension
+import com.kotlindiscord.kord.extensions.extensions.publicSlashCommand
+import dev.kord.common.Color
+import dev.kord.rest.builder.message.embed
+import kotlinx.datetime.Clock
+import net.moonleay.lilJudd.data.api.splatoon3ink.Splatoon3ApiDataGrabber
+import net.moonleay.lilJudd.extensions.component.SplatoonOnlineMode
+import net.moonleay.lilJudd.util.TimeUtil
+class RotationExtension : Extension() {
+ override val name = "rotation"
+ override val allowApplicationCommandInDMs: Boolean
+ get() = false
+ override suspend fun setup() {
+ publicSlashCommand(::RotationArguments) {
+ name = "rotation"
+ description = "Check the current rotations"
+ this.action {
+ val mode = this.arguments.mode
+ when (mode) {
+ SplatoonOnlineMode.ALL -> {
+ val regSched = Splatoon3ApiDataGrabber.getRegularMode(System.currentTimeMillis())
+ val regMaps = regSched.regularMatchSetting.vsStages
+ val regMap1 = regMaps[0]
+ val regMap2 = regMaps[1]
+ val serSched = Splatoon3ApiDataGrabber.getSeriesMode(System.currentTimeMillis())
+ val serMaps = serSched.bankaraMatchSettings!!.first().vsStages
+ val serMap1 = serMaps[0]
+ val serMap2 = serMaps[1]
+ val opnSched = Splatoon3ApiDataGrabber.getSeriesMode(System.currentTimeMillis())
+ val opnMaps = opnSched.bankaraMatchSettings!!.last().vsStages
+ val opnMap1 = opnMaps[0]
+ val opnMap2 = opnMaps[1]
+ val xSched = Splatoon3ApiDataGrabber.getXMode(System.currentTimeMillis())
+ val xMaps = xSched.xMatchSetting.vsStages
+ val xMap1 = xMaps[0]
+ val xMap2 = xMaps[1]
+ val salSched = Splatoon3ApiDataGrabber.getSalmonRun(System.currentTimeMillis())
+ val salMap = salSched.setting.coopStage.name
+ val salBoss = salSched.setting.boss.name
+ val salWeapons = salSched.setting.weapons
+ this.respond {
+ this.embed {
+ this.author {
+ this.name = "Current rotation for"
+ }
+ this.title = "All Modes"
+ this.description = "[[Open on website](https://splatoon3.ink/)]"
+ this.color = Color(0x1437FF)
+ this.thumbnail {
+ this.url = "https://static.moonleay.net/img/lilJudd/deepcut.png"
+ }
+ this.field {
+ this.name = "Regular (${
+ TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(
+ regSched.startTime,
+ "UTC"
+ )
+ } - ${TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(regSched.endTime, "UTC")})"
+ this.value =
+ "${regSched.regularMatchSetting.vsRule.name} on ${regMap1.name} & ${regMap2.name}"
+ this.inline = false
+ }
+ this.field {
+ this.name = "Series (${
+ TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(
+ serSched.startTime,
+ "UTC"
+ )
+ } - ${TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(serSched.endTime, "UTC")})"
+ this.value =
+ "${serSched.bankaraMatchSettings.first().vsRule.name} on ${serMap1.name} & ${serMap2.name}"
+ this.inline = false
+ }
+ this.field {
+ this.name = "Open (${
+ TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(
+ opnSched.startTime,
+ "UTC"
+ )
+ } - ${TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(opnSched.endTime, "UTC")})"
+ this.value =
+ "${opnSched.bankaraMatchSettings.last().vsRule.name} on ${opnMap1.name} & ${opnMap2.name}"
+ this.inline = false
+ }
+ this.field {
+ this.name = "X (${
+ TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(
+ xSched.startTime,
+ "UTC"
+ )
+ } - ${TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(xSched.endTime, "UTC")})"
+ this.value = "${xSched.xMatchSetting.vsRule.name} on ${xMap1.name} & ${xMap2.name}"
+ this.inline = false
+ }
+ this.field {
+ this.name = "Salmon Run (${
+ TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTimeLong(
+ salSched.startTime,
+ "UTC"
+ )
+ } - ${TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTimeLong(salSched.endTime, "UTC")})"
+ this.value =
+ "${salBoss} on ${salMap} with ${salWeapons[0].name}, ${salWeapons[1].name}, ${salWeapons[2].name} & ${salWeapons[3].name}"
+ this.inline = false
+ }
+ this.timestamp = Clock.System.now()
+ this.footer {
+ this.text = "Data provided by splatoon3.ink"
+ this.icon = "https://fedi.splatoon3.ink/favicon.png"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SplatoonOnlineMode.REGULAR -> {
+ val regSched = Splatoon3ApiDataGrabber.getRegularMode(System.currentTimeMillis())
+ val regMaps = regSched.regularMatchSetting.vsStages
+ val regMap1 = regMaps[0]
+ val regMap2 = regMaps[1]
+ val regSched2 =
+ Splatoon3ApiDataGrabber.getRegularMode(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2)
+ val regMaps2 = regSched2.regularMatchSetting.vsStages
+ val regMap12 = regMaps2[0]
+ val regMap22 = regMaps2[1]
+ this.respond {
+ this.embed {
+ this.author {
+ this.name = "Current rotation for"
+ }
+ this.title = "Regular Mode"
+ this.description = "[[Open on website](https://splatoon3.ink/)]"
+ this.color = Color(0x18c81b)
+ this.thumbnail {
+ this.url = "https://static.moonleay.net/img/lilJudd/regular.png"
+ }
+ this.field {
+ this.name = "Current (${
+ TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(
+ regSched.startTime,
+ "UTC"
+ )
+ } - ${TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(regSched.endTime, "UTC")})"
+ this.value =
+ "${regSched.regularMatchSetting.vsRule.name} on ${regMap1.name} & ${regMap2.name}"
+ this.inline = false
+ }
+ this.field {
+ this.name = "${
+ TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(
+ regSched2.startTime,
+ "UTC"
+ )
+ } - ${TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(regSched2.endTime, "UTC")}"
+ this.value =
+ "${regSched2.regularMatchSetting.vsRule.name} on ${regMap12.name} & ${regMap22.name}"
+ this.inline = false
+ }
+ this.timestamp = Clock.System.now()
+ this.footer {
+ this.text = "Data provided by splatoon3.ink"
+ this.icon = "https://fedi.splatoon3.ink/favicon.png"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SplatoonOnlineMode.SERIES -> {
+ val serSched = Splatoon3ApiDataGrabber.getSeriesMode(System.currentTimeMillis())
+ val serMaps = serSched.bankaraMatchSettings!!.first().vsStages
+ val serMap1 = serMaps[0]
+ val serMap2 = serMaps[1]
+ val serSched2 =
+ Splatoon3ApiDataGrabber.getSeriesMode(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2)
+ val serMaps2 = serSched2.bankaraMatchSettings!!.first().vsStages
+ val serMap12 = serMaps2[0]
+ val serMap22 = serMaps2[1]
+ this.respond {
+ this.embed {
+ this.author {
+ this.name = "Current rotation for"
+ }
+ this.title = "Ranked Series Mode"
+ this.description = "[[Open on website](https://splatoon3.ink/)]"
+ this.color = Color(0xE14412)
+ this.thumbnail {
+ this.url = "https://static.moonleay.net/img/lilJudd/bankara.png"
+ }
+ this.field {
+ this.name = "Current (${
+ TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(
+ serSched.startTime,
+ "UTC"
+ )
+ } - ${TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(serSched.endTime, "UTC")})"
+ this.value =
+ "${serSched.bankaraMatchSettings.first().vsRule.name} on ${serMap1.name} & ${serMap2.name}"
+ this.inline = false
+ }
+ this.field {
+ this.name = "${
+ TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(
+ serSched2.startTime,
+ "UTC"
+ )
+ } - ${TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(serSched2.endTime, "UTC")}"
+ this.value =
+ "${serSched2.bankaraMatchSettings.first().vsRule.name} on ${serMap12.name} & ${serMap22.name}"
+ this.inline = false
+ }
+ this.timestamp = Clock.System.now()
+ this.footer {
+ this.text = "Data provided by splatoon3.ink"
+ this.icon = "https://fedi.splatoon3.ink/favicon.png"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SplatoonOnlineMode.OPEN -> {
+ val opnSched = Splatoon3ApiDataGrabber.getSeriesMode(System.currentTimeMillis())
+ val opnMaps = opnSched.bankaraMatchSettings!!.last().vsStages
+ val opnMap1 = opnMaps[0]
+ val opnMap2 = opnMaps[1]
+ val opnSched2 =
+ Splatoon3ApiDataGrabber.getSeriesMode(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2)
+ val opnMaps2 = opnSched2.bankaraMatchSettings!!.last().vsStages
+ val opnMap12 = opnMaps2[0]
+ val opnMap22 = opnMaps2[1]
+ this.respond {
+ this.embed {
+ this.author {
+ this.name = "Current rotation for"
+ }
+ this.title = "Ranked Open Mode"
+ this.description = "[[Open on website](https://splatoon3.ink/)]"
+ this.color = Color(0xE14412)
+ this.thumbnail {
+ this.url = "https://static.moonleay.net/img/lilJudd/bankara.png"
+ }
+ this.field {
+ this.name = "Current (${
+ TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(
+ opnSched.startTime,
+ "UTC"
+ )
+ } - ${TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(opnSched.endTime, "UTC")})"
+ this.value =
+ "${opnSched.bankaraMatchSettings.last().vsRule.name} on ${opnMap1.name} & ${opnMap2.name}"
+ this.inline = false
+ }
+ this.field {
+ this.name = "${
+ TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(
+ opnSched2.startTime,
+ "UTC"
+ )
+ } - ${TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(opnSched2.endTime, "UTC")}"
+ this.value =
+ "${opnSched2.bankaraMatchSettings.last().vsRule.name} on ${opnMap12.name} & ${opnMap22.name}"
+ this.inline = false
+ }
+ this.timestamp = Clock.System.now()
+ this.footer {
+ this.text = "Data provided by splatoon3.ink"
+ this.icon = "https://fedi.splatoon3.ink/favicon.png"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SplatoonOnlineMode.X -> {
+ val xSched = Splatoon3ApiDataGrabber.getXMode(System.currentTimeMillis())
+ val xMaps = xSched.xMatchSetting.vsStages
+ val xMap1 = xMaps[0]
+ val xMap2 = xMaps[1]
+ val xSched2 = Splatoon3ApiDataGrabber.getXMode(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2)
+ val xMaps2 = xSched2.xMatchSetting.vsStages
+ val xMap12 = xMaps2[0]
+ val xMap22 = xMaps2[1]
+ this.respond {
+ this.embed {
+ this.author {
+ this.name = "Current rotation for"
+ }
+ this.title = "X Mode"
+ this.description = "[[Open on website](https://splatoon3.ink/)]"
+ this.color = Color(0x0ECB93)
+ this.thumbnail {
+ this.url = "https://static.moonleay.net/img/lilJudd/x.png"
+ }
+ this.field {
+ this.name = "Current (${
+ TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(
+ xSched.startTime,
+ "UTC"
+ )
+ } - ${TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(xSched.endTime, "UTC")})"
+ this.value = "${xSched.xMatchSetting.vsRule.name} on ${xMap1.name} & ${xMap2.name}"
+ this.inline = false
+ }
+ this.field {
+ this.name = "${
+ TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(
+ xSched2.startTime,
+ "UTC"
+ )
+ } - ${TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTime(xSched2.endTime, "UTC")}"
+ this.value =
+ "${xSched2.xMatchSetting.vsRule.name} on ${xMap12.name} & ${xMap22.name}"
+ this.inline = false
+ }
+ this.timestamp = Clock.System.now()
+ this.footer {
+ this.text = "Data provided by splatoon3.ink"
+ this.icon = "https://fedi.splatoon3.ink/favicon.png"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SplatoonOnlineMode.SALMON_RUN -> {
+ val salSched = Splatoon3ApiDataGrabber.getSalmonRun(System.currentTimeMillis())
+ val salMap = salSched.setting.coopStage.name
+ val salBoss = salSched.setting.boss.name
+ val salWeapons = salSched.setting.weapons
+ val salSched2 =
+ Splatoon3ApiDataGrabber.getSalmonRun(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 2)
+ val salMap2 = salSched2.setting.coopStage.name
+ val salBoss2 = salSched2.setting.boss.name
+ val salWeapons2 = salSched2.setting.weapons
+ this.respond {
+ this.embed {
+ this.author {
+ this.name = "Current rotation for"
+ }
+ this.title = "Salmon Run"
+ this.description = "[[Open on website](https://splatoon3.ink/salmonrun)]"
+ this.color = Color(0xEA4F03)
+ this.thumbnail {
+ this.url = "https://static.moonleay.net/img/lilJudd/grizz.png"
+ }
+ this.field {
+ this.name = "Current (${
+ TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTimeLong(
+ salSched.startTime,
+ "UTC"
+ )
+ } - ${TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTimeLong(salSched.endTime, "UTC")})"
+ this.value =
+ "${salBoss} on ${salMap} with ${salWeapons[0].name}, ${salWeapons[1].name}, ${salWeapons[2].name} & ${salWeapons[3].name}"
+ this.inline = false
+ }
+ this.field {
+ this.name = "${
+ TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTimeLong(
+ salSched2.startTime,
+ "UTC"
+ )
+ } - ${TimeUtil.getTimeFromJSONTimeLong(salSched2.endTime, "UTC")}"
+ this.value =
+ "${salBoss2} on ${salMap2} with ${salWeapons2[0].name}, ${salWeapons2[1].name}, ${salWeapons2[2].name} & ${salWeapons2[3].name}"
+ this.inline = false
+ }
+ this.timestamp = Clock.System.now()
+ this.footer {
+ this.text = "Data provided by splatoon3.ink"
+ this.icon = "https://fedi.splatoon3.ink/favicon.png"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inner class RotationArguments : Arguments() {
+ val mode by enumChoice {
+ this.name = "mode"
+ this.description = "The mode you want to check the rotation for"
+ this.typeName = "en_US"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/net/moonleay/lilJudd/extensions/component/SplatoonOnlineMode.kt b/src/main/kotlin/net/moonleay/lilJudd/extensions/component/SplatoonOnlineMode.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6ae569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/net/moonleay/lilJudd/extensions/component/SplatoonOnlineMode.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * lilJudd
+ * Copyright (C) 2024 moonleay
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see .
+ */
+package net.moonleay.lilJudd.extensions.component
+import com.kotlindiscord.kord.extensions.commands.application.slash.converters.ChoiceEnum
+enum class SplatoonOnlineMode(override val readableName: String) : ChoiceEnum {
+ ALL("All Modes"),
+ REGULAR("Regular Battle"),
+ SERIES("Ranked Battle (Series)"),
+ OPEN("Ranked Battle (Open)"),
+ X("X Battle"),
+ SALMON_RUN("Salmon Run"),