# Example configuration. # Everything after '#' is ignored # Format of the variables: # [variable]: [value] # Whitespaces are ignored in the following locations: # - Before the variable # - After the ':' # - After the value # # String variables can be escaped ([Notation in config] -> "Result"): # - foo\\bar -> "foobar" # - foo\nbar -> "foobar" # - foo\sbar -> "foo bar" # The following three options control the ordering of the widgets. # Reordering can cause slight margin inconsistencies, # so it is recommend to only make minor adjustments to the default layout. # Adding the same widget multiple times to the layout is *not* supported and will cause issues. # Widgets to show on the left side WidgetsLeft: [Workspaces] # Widgets to center WidgetsCenter: [Time] # Widgets to display on the right side WidgetsRight: [Tray, Packages, Audio, Bluetooth, Network, Disk, VRAM, GPU, RAM, CPU, Battery, Power] # The CPU sensor to use CPUThermalZone: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:18.3/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input # The command to execute on suspend SuspendCommand: ~/.config/scripts/sys.sh suspend # The command to execute on lock LockCommand: ~/.config/scripts/sys.sh lock # The command to execute on exit ExitCommand: killall Hyprland # The folder, where the battery sensors reside BatteryFolder: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1 # The partition to monitor with disk sensor DiskPartition: / # Overrides the icon of the nth (in this case the first) workspace. # Please note the missing space between "," and the symbol. Adding a space here adds it to the bar too! #WorkspaceSymbol: 1, # The default symbol for the workspaces DefaultWorkspaceSymbol:  # Scroll through the workspaces of the current monitor instead of all workspaces WorkspaceScrollOnMonitor: true # When true: Scroll up -> Next workspace instead of previous workspace. Analogous with scroll down WorkspaceScrollInvert: false # Number of workspaces to display. Displayed workspace IDs are 1-n (Default: 1-9) NumWorkspaces: 9 # Use Hyprland IPC instead of the ext_workspace protocol for workspace polling. # Hyprland IPC is *slightly* less performant (+0.1% one core), but way less bug prone, # since the protocol is not as feature complete as Hyprland IPC. # NOTE: Hyprland no longer supports ext-workspace-unstable-v1 as of commit bb09334. # Hyprland IPC is thus *required* for workspace support under Hyprland >=v0.30.0! UseHyprlandIPC: true # The location of the bar # Needs to be capitalized!! # Values are: L (Left), R (Right), T (Top), B (bottom) Location: T # When the location is set to side, this option forces everything (even text) to be right-side up. # *Always* make sure to enable SensorTooltips when enabling this option. Failure to do so *will* cause graphical issues. IconsAlwaysUp: false # Forces the time to be centered. # This can cause the right widget to clip outside, if there is not enough space on screen (e.g. when opening the text) # Setting this to false will definitely fix this issue, but it won't look very good, since it will be off-center. # So try to decrease "TimeSpace" first, before setting this configuration to false. CenterTime: true # How much space should be reserved for the time widget. Setting this too high can cause the right widget to clip outside. # Therefore try to set it as low as possible if you experience clipping. # Although keep in mind, that a value that is too low can cause the widget to be be off-center, # which can also cause clipping. # If you can't find an optimal value, consider setting 'CenterTime' to false TimeSpace: 300 # Set datetime style DateTimeStyle: %a %D - %H:%M:%S %Z # Set datetime locale (defaults to system locale if not set or set to empty string) #DateTimeLocale: de_DE.utf8 # Adds a audio input(aka. microphone) widget AudioInput: false # Sets the audio slider to be on reveal (Just like the sensors) when true. Only affects the bar. AudioRevealer: false # Sets the rate of change of the slider on each scroll. In Percent AudioScrollSpeed: 5 # Display numbers instead of a slider for the two audio widgets. Doesn't affect the audio flyin AudioNumbers: false # Command that is run to check if there are out-of-date packages. # The script should return *ONLY* a number. If it doesn't output a number, updates are no longer checked. # Default value is applicable for Arch Linux. (See data/update.sh for a human-readable version) CheckPackagesCommand: p="$(checkupdates)"; e=$?; if [ $e -eq 127 ] ; then exit 127; fi; if [ $e -eq 2 ] ; then echo "0" && exit 0; fi; echo "$p" | wc -l # How often to check for updates. In seconds CheckUpdateInterval: 300 # Limits the range of the audio slider. Only works for audio output. # Slider "empty" is AudioMinVolume, Slider "full" is AudioMaxVolume # AudioMinVolume: 30 # Audio can't get below 30% # AudioMaxVolume: 120 # Audio can't get above 120% # The network adapter to use. You can query /sys/class/net for all possible values NetworkAdapter: eno1 # Disables the network widget when set to false NetworkWidget: true # The card to poll when using AMDGPU. If you don't have an AMD card, you can skip this config. # Possible values can be found by querying /sys/class/drm DrmAmdCard: card0 # Use tooltips instead of sliders for the sensors SensorTooltips: false # Enables tray icons EnableSNI: true # SNIIconSize sets the icon size for a SNI icon. # SNIPaddingTop Can be used to push the Icon down. Negative values are allowed # For both: The first parameter is a filter of the tooltip(The text that pops up, when the icon is hovered) of the icon # Scale everything down to 25 pixels ('*' as filter means everything) #SNIIconSize: *, 25 # Explicitly make OBS a bit smaller than default #SNIIconSize: OBS, 23 # Nudges the Discord icon a bit down #SNIPaddingTop: Discord, 5 # These set the range for the network widget. The widget changes colors at six intervals: # - Below Min...Bytes ("under") # - Between ]0%;25%]. 0% = Min...Bytes; 100% = Max...Bytes ("low") # - Between ]25%;50%]. 0% = Min...Bytes; 100% = Max...Bytes ("mid-low") # - Between ]50%;75%]. 0% = Min...Bytes; 100% = Max...Bytes ("mid-high") # - Between ]75%;100%]. 0% = Min...Bytes; 100% = Max...Bytes ("high") # - Above Max...Bytes ("over") MinDownloadBytes: 0 MaxDownloadBytes: 10485760 # 10 * 1024 * 1024 = 10 MiB MinUploadBytes: 0 MaxUploadBytes: 5242880 # 5 * 1024 * 1024 = 5 MiB