#include "Widget.h" #include "Common.h" #include "CSS.h" #include // TODO: Currently setters only work pre-create. Make them react to changes after creation! namespace Utils { GtkAlign ToGtkAlign(Alignment align) { switch (align) { case Alignment::Left: return GTK_ALIGN_START; case Alignment::Right: return GTK_ALIGN_END; case Alignment::Center: return GTK_ALIGN_CENTER; case Alignment::Fill: return GTK_ALIGN_FILL; } } GtkOrientation ToGtkOrientation(Orientation orientation) { switch (orientation) { case Orientation::Vertical: return GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL; case Orientation::Horizontal: return GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL; } } GtkRevealerTransitionType ToGtkRevealerTransitionType(TransitionType transition) { switch (transition) { case TransitionType::Fade: return GTK_REVEALER_TRANSITION_TYPE_CROSSFADE; case TransitionType::SlideLeft: return GTK_REVEALER_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_LEFT; case TransitionType::SlideRight: return GTK_REVEALER_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_RIGHT; case TransitionType::SlideDown: return GTK_REVEALER_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_DOWN; case TransitionType::SlideUp: return GTK_REVEALER_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_UP; } } } Widget::~Widget() { m_Childs.clear(); LOG("Destroy widget"); gtk_widget_destroy(m_Widget); } void Widget::CreateAndAddWidget(Widget* widget, GtkWidget* parentWidget) { // Create this widget widget->Create(); // Add gtk_container_add((GtkContainer*)parentWidget, widget->Get()); gtk_widget_show(widget->m_Widget); for (auto& child : widget->GetChilds()) { CreateAndAddWidget(child.get(), widget->Get()); } } void Widget::SetClass(const std::string& cssClass) { if (m_Widget) { auto style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(m_Widget); gtk_style_context_remove_class(style, m_CssClass.c_str()); gtk_style_context_add_class(style, cssClass.c_str()); } m_CssClass = cssClass; } void Widget::AddClass(const std::string& cssClass) { if (m_Widget) { auto style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(m_Widget); gtk_style_context_add_class(style, cssClass.c_str()); } } void Widget::RemoveClass(const std::string& cssClass) { if (m_Widget) { auto style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(m_Widget); gtk_style_context_remove_class(style, cssClass.c_str()); } } void Widget::SetVerticalTransform(const Transform& transform) { m_VerticalTransform = transform; } void Widget::SetHorizontalTransform(const Transform& transform) { m_HorizontalTransform = transform; } void Widget::SetTooltip(const std::string& tooltip) { if (m_Widget) { gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(m_Widget, tooltip.c_str()); } m_Tooltip = tooltip; } void Widget::AddChild(std::unique_ptr&& widget) { if (m_Widget) { CreateAndAddWidget(widget.get(), m_Widget); } m_Childs.push_back(std::move(widget)); } void Widget::RemoveChild(size_t idx) { ASSERT(idx < m_Childs.size(), "RemoveChild: Invalid index"); if (m_Widget) { auto& child = *m_Childs[idx]; gtk_container_remove((GtkContainer*)child.m_Widget, m_Widget); } m_Childs.erase(m_Childs.begin() + idx); } void Widget::SetVisible(bool visible) { gtk_widget_set_visible(m_Widget, visible); } void Widget::PropagateToParent(GdkEvent* event) { gtk_propagate_event(gtk_widget_get_parent(m_Widget), event); } void Widget::ApplyPropertiesToWidget() { // Apply style auto style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(m_Widget); gtk_style_context_add_class(style, m_CssClass.c_str()); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(m_Widget, m_Tooltip.c_str()); // Apply transform gtk_widget_set_size_request(m_Widget, m_HorizontalTransform.size, m_VerticalTransform.size); gtk_widget_set_halign(m_Widget, Utils::ToGtkAlign(m_HorizontalTransform.alignment)); gtk_widget_set_valign(m_Widget, Utils::ToGtkAlign(m_VerticalTransform.alignment)); gtk_widget_set_hexpand(m_Widget, m_HorizontalTransform.expand); gtk_widget_set_vexpand(m_Widget, m_VerticalTransform.expand); } void Box::SetOrientation(Orientation orientation) { m_Orientation = orientation; } void Box::SetSpacing(Spacing spacing) { m_Spacing = spacing; } void Box::Create() { m_Widget = gtk_box_new(Utils::ToGtkOrientation(m_Orientation), m_Spacing.free); gtk_box_set_homogeneous((GtkBox*)m_Widget, m_Spacing.evenly); ApplyPropertiesToWidget(); } void CenterBox::SetOrientation(Orientation orientation) { m_Orientation = orientation; } void CenterBox::Create() { ASSERT(m_Childs.size() == 3, "CenterBox needs 3 children!") m_Widget = gtk_box_new(Utils::ToGtkOrientation(m_Orientation), 0); gtk_box_pack_start((GtkBox*)m_Widget, m_Childs[0]->Get(), true, true, 0); gtk_box_set_center_widget((GtkBox*)m_Widget, m_Childs[1]->Get()); gtk_box_pack_end((GtkBox*)m_Widget, m_Childs[2]->Get(), true, true, 0); ApplyPropertiesToWidget(); } void EventBox::SetHoverFn(std::function&& fn) { m_HoverFn = fn; } void EventBox::SetScrollFn(std::function&& fn) { m_ScrollFn = fn; } void EventBox::Create() { m_Widget = gtk_event_box_new(); gtk_event_box_set_above_child((GtkEventBox*)m_Widget, false); auto enter = [](GtkWidget*, GdkEventCrossing*, gpointer data) -> gboolean { EventBox* box = (EventBox*)data; if (box->m_HoverFn) box->m_HoverFn(*box, true); return false; }; auto leave = [](GtkWidget*, GdkEventCrossing*, void* data) -> gboolean { EventBox* box = (EventBox*)data; if (box->m_HoverFn) box->m_HoverFn(*box, false); return false; }; // I am so done with the GTK docs. The docs clearly say GdkEventScroll and not GdkEventScroll*, but GdkEventScroll* is passed auto scroll = [](GtkWidget*, GdkEventScroll* event, void* data) -> gboolean { EventBox* box = (EventBox*)data; if (box->m_ScrollFn) { if (event->direction == GDK_SCROLL_DOWN) { box->m_ScrollFn(*box, ScrollDirection::Down); } else if (event->direction == GDK_SCROLL_UP) { box->m_ScrollFn(*box, ScrollDirection::Up); } } return false; }; gtk_widget_set_events(m_Widget, GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK | GDK_SCROLL_MASK); g_signal_connect(m_Widget, "enter-notify-event", G_CALLBACK(+enter), this); g_signal_connect(m_Widget, "leave-notify-event", G_CALLBACK(+leave), this); g_signal_connect(m_Widget, "scroll-event", G_CALLBACK(+scroll), this); ApplyPropertiesToWidget(); } void CairoArea::Create() { m_Widget = gtk_drawing_area_new(); auto drawFn = [](GtkWidget*, cairo_t* c, void* data) -> gboolean { CairoArea* area = (CairoArea*)data; area->Draw(c); return false; }; g_signal_connect(m_Widget, "draw", G_CALLBACK(+drawFn), this); ApplyPropertiesToWidget(); } Quad CairoArea::GetQuad() { GtkAllocation dim; gtk_widget_get_allocation(m_Widget, &dim); Quad q; if (dim.height >= dim.width) { // Height greater than width; Fill in x and add margin at the top and bottom q.size = dim.width; q.x = 0; q.y = ((double)dim.height - (double)dim.width) / 2; } else if (dim.width < dim.height) { // Height greater than width; Fill in y and add margin at the sides q.size = dim.height; q.y = 0; q.x = ((double)dim.width - (double)dim.height) / 2; } return q; } void Sensor::SetValue(double val) { m_Val = val; if (m_Widget) { gtk_widget_queue_draw(m_Widget); } } void Sensor::SetStyle(SensorStyle style) { m_Style = style; } void Sensor::Draw(cairo_t* cr) { Quad q = GetQuad(); double xCenter = q.x + q.size / 2; double yCenter = q.y + q.size / 2; double radius = (q.size / 2) - (m_Style.strokeWidth / 2); double beg = m_Style.start * (M_PI / 180); double angle = m_Val * 2 * M_PI; auto style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(m_Widget); GdkRGBA* bgCol; GdkRGBA* fgCol; gtk_style_context_get(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, GTK_STYLE_PROPERTY_BACKGROUND_COLOR, &bgCol, NULL); gtk_style_context_get(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, GTK_STYLE_PROPERTY_COLOR, &fgCol, NULL); cairo_set_line_width(cr, m_Style.strokeWidth); // Outer cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, bgCol->red, bgCol->green, bgCol->blue); cairo_arc(cr, xCenter, yCenter, radius, 0, 2 * M_PI); cairo_stroke(cr); // Inner cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, fgCol->red, fgCol->green, fgCol->blue); cairo_arc(cr, xCenter, yCenter, radius, beg, beg + angle); cairo_stroke(cr); gdk_rgba_free(bgCol); gdk_rgba_free(fgCol); } static std::string NetworkSensorPercentToCSS(double percent) { if (percent <= 0.) { return "under"; } else if (percent <= 0.25) { return "low"; } else if (percent <= 0.50) { return "mid-low"; } else if (percent <= 0.75) { return "mid-high"; } else if (percent <= 1.) { return "high"; } else { return "over"; } } static double NetworkSensorRateToPercent(double rate, Range range) { return (rate - range.min) / (range.max - range.min); } void NetworkSensor::Create() { CairoArea::Create(); // Add virtual children for style context(I know, it is really gross) contextUp = Widget::Create(); contextUp->SetSpacing({0, true}); contextUp->SetClass("network-up-under"); contextUp->SetHorizontalTransform({0, false, Alignment::Fill}); contextUp->Create(); contextDown = Widget::Create(); contextDown->SetSpacing({0, true}); contextDown->SetClass("network-down-under"); contextDown->SetHorizontalTransform({0, false, Alignment::Fill}); contextDown->Create(); } void NetworkSensor::SetUp(double val) { if (!contextUp) { return; } up = NetworkSensorRateToPercent(val, limitUp); // Add css class std::string newClass = NetworkSensorPercentToCSS(up); contextUp->SetClass("network-up-" + newClass); // Schedule redraw if (m_Widget) { gtk_widget_queue_draw(m_Widget); } } void NetworkSensor::SetDown(double val) { if (!contextDown) { return; } down = NetworkSensorRateToPercent(val, limitDown); // Add css class std::string newClass = NetworkSensorPercentToCSS(down); contextDown->SetClass("network-down-" + newClass); // Schedule redraw if (m_Widget) { gtk_widget_queue_draw(m_Widget); } } void NetworkSensor::Draw(cairo_t* cr) { constexpr double epsilon = 1; Quad q = GetQuad(); auto virtToPx = [&](double virtPx) { return q.size * (virtPx / 24.f); }; GdkRGBA* colUp; GdkRGBA* colDown; gtk_style_context_get(gtk_widget_get_style_context(contextUp->Get()), GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, GTK_STYLE_PROPERTY_COLOR, &colUp, NULL); gtk_style_context_get(gtk_widget_get_style_context(contextDown->Get()), GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, GTK_STYLE_PROPERTY_COLOR, &colDown, NULL); // Upload cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, colUp->red, colUp->green, colUp->blue); // Triangle cairo_move_to(cr, q.x + virtToPx(6), q.y + virtToPx(0)); // Top mid cairo_line_to(cr, q.x + virtToPx(0), q.y + virtToPx(10)); // Left bottom cairo_line_to(cr, q.x + virtToPx(12), q.y + virtToPx(10)); // Right bottom cairo_close_path(cr); cairo_fill(cr); // Rectangle // Go a bit above, to avoid gaps between tri and quad cairo_rectangle(cr, q.x + virtToPx(4), q.y + virtToPx(10 - epsilon), virtToPx(4), virtToPx(12 + epsilon)); cairo_fill(cr); // Download cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, colDown->red, colDown->green, colDown->blue); // Triangle cairo_move_to(cr, q.x + virtToPx(18), q.y + virtToPx(24)); // Bottom mid cairo_line_to(cr, q.x + virtToPx(12), q.y + virtToPx(14)); // Left top cairo_line_to(cr, q.x + virtToPx(24), q.y + virtToPx(14)); // Right top cairo_close_path(cr); cairo_fill(cr); // Rectangle // Go a bit below, to avoid gaps between tri and quad cairo_rectangle(cr, q.x + virtToPx(16), q.y + virtToPx(2), virtToPx(4), virtToPx(12 + epsilon)); cairo_fill(cr); gdk_rgba_free(colUp); gdk_rgba_free(colDown); } void Revealer::SetTransition(Transition transition) { m_Transition = transition; } void Revealer::Create() { m_Widget = gtk_revealer_new(); gtk_revealer_set_transition_type((GtkRevealer*)m_Widget, Utils::ToGtkRevealerTransitionType(m_Transition.type)); gtk_revealer_set_transition_duration((GtkRevealer*)m_Widget, m_Transition.durationMS); ApplyPropertiesToWidget(); } void Revealer::SetRevealed(bool revealed) { gtk_revealer_set_reveal_child((GtkRevealer*)m_Widget, revealed); } void Text::SetText(const std::string& text) { m_Text = text; if (m_Widget) { gtk_label_set_text((GtkLabel*)m_Widget, m_Text.c_str()); } } void Text::Create() { m_Widget = gtk_label_new(m_Text.c_str()); ApplyPropertiesToWidget(); } void Button::Create() { m_Widget = gtk_button_new_with_label(m_Text.c_str()); auto clickFn = [](UNUSED GtkButton* gtkButton, void* data) -> gboolean { Button* button = (Button*)data; if (button->m_OnClick) button->m_OnClick(*button); return GDK_EVENT_STOP; }; g_signal_connect(m_Widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(+clickFn), this); ApplyPropertiesToWidget(); } void Button::SetText(const std::string& text) { m_Text = text; if (m_Widget) { gtk_button_set_label((GtkButton*)m_Widget, m_Text.c_str()); } } void Button::OnClick(Callback