#include "System.h" #include "Common.h" #include "NvidiaGPU.h" #include "AMDGPU.h" #include "PulseAudio.h" #include "Hyprland.h" #include "Config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace System { struct CPUTimestamp { size_t total = 0; size_t idle = 0; }; static CPUTimestamp curCPUTime; static CPUTimestamp prevCPUTime; double GetCPUUsage() { // Gather curCPUTime std::ifstream procstat("/proc/stat"); ASSERT(procstat.is_open(), "Cannot open /proc/stat"); std::string curLine; while (std::getline(procstat, curLine)) { if (curLine.find("cpu ") != std::string::npos) { // Found it std::stringstream lineStr(curLine.substr(5)); std::string curLine; uint32_t idx = 1; size_t total = 0; size_t idle = 0; while (std::getline(lineStr, curLine, ' ')) { if (idx == 4) { // Fourth col is idle idle = atoi(curLine.c_str()); } total += atoi(curLine.c_str()); idx++; } prevCPUTime = curCPUTime; curCPUTime.total = total; curCPUTime.idle = idle; break; } } // Get diffs and percentage of idle time size_t diffTotal = curCPUTime.total - prevCPUTime.total; size_t diffIdle = curCPUTime.idle - prevCPUTime.idle; return 1 - ((double)diffIdle / (double)diffTotal); } double GetCPUTemp() { std::ifstream tempFile(Config::Get().cpuThermalZone); if (!tempFile.is_open()) { return 0.f; } std::string tempStr; std::getline(tempFile, tempStr); uint32_t intTemp = atoi(tempStr.c_str()); double temp = (double)intTemp / 1000; return temp; } double GetBatteryPercentage() { std::ifstream fullChargeFile(Config::Get().batteryFolder + "/charge_full"); std::ifstream currentChargeFile(Config::Get().batteryFolder + "/charge_now"); if (!fullChargeFile.is_open() || !currentChargeFile.is_open()) { return -1.f; } std::string fullChargeStr; std::string currentChargeStr; std::getline(fullChargeFile, fullChargeStr); std::getline(currentChargeFile, currentChargeStr); uint32_t intFullCharge = atoi(fullChargeStr.c_str()); uint32_t intCurrentCharge = atoi(currentChargeStr.c_str()); return ((double)intCurrentCharge / (double)intFullCharge); } RAMInfo GetRAMInfo() { RAMInfo out{}; std::ifstream procstat("/proc/meminfo"); ASSERT(procstat.is_open(), "Cannot open /proc/meminfo"); std::string curLine; while (std::getline(procstat, curLine)) { if (curLine.find("MemTotal: ") != std::string::npos) { // Found total std::string_view withoutMemTotal = std::string_view(curLine).substr(10); size_t begNum = withoutMemTotal.find_first_not_of(' '); std::string_view totalKiBStr = withoutMemTotal.substr(begNum, withoutMemTotal.find_last_of(' ') - begNum); uint32_t totalKiB = std::stoi(std::string(totalKiBStr)); out.totalGiB = (double)totalKiB / (1024 * 1024); } else if (curLine.find("MemAvailable: ") != std::string::npos) { // Found available std::string_view withoutMemAvail = std::string_view(curLine).substr(14); size_t begNum = withoutMemAvail.find_first_not_of(' '); std::string_view availKiBStr = withoutMemAvail.substr(begNum, withoutMemAvail.find_last_of(' ') - begNum); uint32_t availKiB = std::stoi(std::string(availKiBStr)); out.freeGiB = (double)availKiB / (1024 * 1024); } } return out; } #if defined WITH_NVIDIA || defined WITH_AMD GPUInfo GetGPUInfo() { #ifdef WITH_NVIDIA if (RuntimeConfig::Get().hasNvidia) { NvidiaGPU::GPUUtilization util = NvidiaGPU::GetUtilization(); GPUInfo out; out.utilisation = util.gpu; out.coreTemp = NvidiaGPU::GetTemperature(); return out; } #endif #ifdef WITH_AMD if (RuntimeConfig::Get().hasAMD) { uint32_t util = AMDGPU::GetUtilization(); GPUInfo out; out.utilisation = util; out.coreTemp = AMDGPU::GetTemperature(); return out; } #endif return {}; } VRAMInfo GetVRAMInfo() { #ifdef WITH_NVIDIA if (RuntimeConfig::Get().hasNvidia) { NvidiaGPU::VRAM vram = NvidiaGPU::GetVRAM(); VRAMInfo out; out.totalGiB = (double)vram.totalB / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); out.usedGiB = out.totalGiB - ((double)vram.freeB / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)); return out; } #endif #ifdef WITH_AMD if (RuntimeConfig::Get().hasAMD) { AMDGPU::VRAM vram = AMDGPU::GetVRAM(); VRAMInfo out; out.totalGiB = (double)vram.totalB / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); out.usedGiB = (double)vram.usedB / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); return out; } #endif return {}; } #endif DiskInfo GetDiskInfo() { struct statvfs stat; int err = statvfs("/", &stat); ASSERT(err == 0, "Cannot stat root!"); DiskInfo out{}; out.totalGiB = (double)(stat.f_blocks * stat.f_frsize) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); out.usedGiB = (double)((stat.f_blocks - stat.f_bfree) * stat.f_frsize) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); return out; } #ifdef WITH_BLUEZ void InitBluetooth() { // Try connecting to d-bus and org.bluez GDBusConnection* connection = g_bus_get_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT(connection, "Failed to connect to d-bus!"); GError* err = nullptr; GVariant* objects = g_dbus_connection_call_sync(connection, "org.bluez", "/", "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager", "GetManagedObjects", nullptr, G_VARIANT_TYPE("(a{oa{sa{sv}}})"), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, nullptr, &err); if (!objects) { LOG("Can't connect to BlueZ d-bus! Disabling Bluetooth!"); LOG(err->message); g_error_free(err); // Not found, disable bluetooth RuntimeConfig::Get().hasBlueZ = false; } } BluetoothInfo GetBluetoothInfo() { BluetoothInfo out{}; if (!RuntimeConfig::Get().hasBlueZ) { LOG("Error: GetBluetoothInfo called, but bluetooth isn't available"); return out; } // Init D-Bus GDBusConnection* connection = g_bus_get_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT(connection, "Failed to connect to d-bus!"); GError* err = nullptr; GVariant* objects = g_dbus_connection_call_sync(connection, "org.bluez", "/", "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager", "GetManagedObjects", nullptr, G_VARIANT_TYPE("(a{oa{sa{sv}}})"), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, nullptr, &err); if (!objects) { LOG(err->message); g_error_free(err); exit(-1); } // First array GVariantIter* topArray; g_variant_get(objects, "(a{oa{sa{sv}}})", &topArray); // Iterate the objects GVariantIter* objectDescs; while (g_variant_iter_next(topArray, "{oa{sa{sv}}}", NULL, &objectDescs)) { // Iterate the descs char* type = nullptr; GVariantIter* propIter; while (g_variant_iter_next(objectDescs, "{sa{sv}}", &type, &propIter)) { if (strstr(type, "org.bluez.Adapter1")) { std::string adapterName; bool powered = false; // This is a controller/adapter -> The "host" char* str = nullptr; GVariant* var = nullptr; while (g_variant_iter_next(propIter, "{sv}", &str, &var)) { if (strstr(str, "Name")) { const char* name = g_variant_get_string(var, nullptr); // Copy it for us adapterName = name; } else if (strstr(str, "Powered")) { powered = g_variant_get_boolean(var); } g_free(str); g_variant_unref(var); } if (powered) { out.defaultController = std::move(adapterName); } } else if (strstr(type, "org.bluez.Device1")) { std::string deviceMac; std::string deviceName; std::string deviceType; bool connected = false; bool paired = false; // This is a device -> One "client" char* str = nullptr; GVariant* var = nullptr; while (g_variant_iter_next(propIter, "{sv}", &str, &var)) { if (strcmp(str, "Address") == 0) { const char* mac = g_variant_get_string(var, nullptr); // Copy it for us deviceMac = mac; } else if (strstr(str, "Name")) { const char* name = g_variant_get_string(var, nullptr); // Copy it for us deviceName = name; } else if (strstr(str, "Icon")) { const char* icon = g_variant_get_string(var, nullptr); // Copy it for us deviceType = icon; } else if (strstr(str, "Connected")) { connected = g_variant_get_boolean(var); } else if (strstr(str, "Paired")) { paired = g_variant_get_boolean(var); } g_free(str); g_variant_unref(var); } out.devices.push_back(BluetoothDevice{connected, paired, std::move(deviceMac), std::move(deviceName), std::move(deviceType)}); } g_variant_iter_free(propIter); g_free(type); } g_variant_iter_free(objectDescs); } g_variant_iter_free(topArray); g_variant_unref(objects); return out; } static Process btctlProcess{-1}; void StartBTScan() { StopBTScan(); btctlProcess = OpenProcess("/bin/sh -c \"bluetoothctl scan on\""); } void StopBTScan() { if (btctlProcess.pid != -1) { // Ctrl-C stops bluetoothctl kill(btctlProcess.pid, SIGINT); btctlProcess = {-1}; } } void ConnectBTDevice(BluetoothDevice& device, std::function onFinish) { auto thread = [&, mac = device.mac, onFinish]() { // 1. Pair if (!device.paired) { int success = system(("bluetoothctl pair " + mac).c_str()); if (success != 0) { onFinish(false, device); return; } } // 2. Connect if (!device.connected) { int success = system(("bluetoothctl connect " + mac).c_str()); if (success != 0) { onFinish(false, device); return; } } onFinish(true, device); }; std::thread worker(thread); worker.detach(); } void DisconnectBTDevice(BluetoothDevice& device, std::function onFinish) { auto thread = [&, mac = device.mac, onFinish]() { // 1. Disconnect if (device.connected) { int success = system(("bluetoothctl disconnect " + mac).c_str()); if (success != 0) { onFinish(false, device); return; } } onFinish(true, device); }; std::thread worker(thread); worker.detach(); } void OpenBTWidget() { OpenProcess("/bin/sh -c \"gBar bluetooth\""); } std::string BTTypeToIcon(const BluetoothDevice& dev) { if (dev.type == "input-keyboard") { return " "; } else if (dev.type == "input-mouse") { return " "; } else if (dev.type == "audio-headset") { return " "; } else if (dev.type == "input-gaming") { return "調 "; } return " "; } #endif AudioInfo GetAudioInfo() { return PulseAudio::GetInfo(); } void SetVolume(double volume) { PulseAudio::SetVolume(volume); } #ifdef WITH_HYPRLAND WorkspaceStatus GetWorkspaceStatus(uint32_t monitor, uint32_t workspace) { return Hyprland::GetStatus(monitor, workspace); } void GotoWorkspace(uint32_t workspace) { return Hyprland::Goto(workspace); } std::string GetWorkspaceSymbol(int index) { if (index < 0 || index > 9) { LOG("Workspace Symbol Index Out Of Bounds: " + std::to_string(index)); return ""; } if (Config::Get().workspaceSymbols[index].empty()) { return Config::Get().defaultWorkspaceSymbol + " "; } return Config::Get().workspaceSymbols[index] + " "; } #endif std::string GetTime() { time_t stdTime = time(NULL); tm* localTime = localtime(&stdTime); std::stringstream str; str << std::put_time(localTime, "%a %D - %H:%M:%S %Z"); return str.str(); } void Shutdown() { system("shutdown 0"); } void Reboot() { system("reboot"); } void ExitWM() { system(Config::Get().exitCommand.c_str()); } void Lock() { system(Config::Get().lockCommand.c_str()); } void Suspend() { system(Config::Get().suspendCommand.c_str()); } void Init() { Config::Load(); #ifdef WITH_NVIDIA NvidiaGPU::Init(); #endif #ifdef WITH_AMD AMDGPU::Init(); #endif #ifdef WITH_HYPRLAND Hyprland::Init(); #endif #ifdef WITH_BLUEZ InitBluetooth(); #endif PulseAudio::Init(); } void FreeResources() { #ifdef WITH_NVIDIA NvidiaGPU::Shutdown(); #endif PulseAudio::Shutdown(); #ifdef WITH_BLUEZ StopBTScan(); #endif } }