scorpion-26 c5f2dd80c7 Rename TimeSpace and CenterTime
Since you can now customize what widgets go in the center, the names of
these config options are no longer fitting. They are now renamed to
CenterSpace and CenterWidgets respectively.
2024-03-17 15:39:39 +01:00

198 lines
7.6 KiB

# Example configuration.
# Everything after '#' is ignored
# Format of the variables:
# [variable]: [value]
# Whitespaces are ignored in the following locations:
# - Before the variable
# - After the ':'
# - After the value
# String variables can be escaped ([Notation in config] -> "Result"):
# - foo\\bar -> "foo<backlash>bar"
# - foo\nbar -> "foo<newline>bar"
# - foo\sbar -> "foo bar"
# The following three options control the ordering of the widgets.
# Reordering can cause slight margin inconsistencies,
# so it is recommend to only make minor adjustments to the default layout.
# Adding the same widget multiple times to the layout is *not* supported and will cause issues.
# Widgets to show on the left side
WidgetsLeft: [Workspaces]
# Widgets to center
WidgetsCenter: [Time]
# Widgets to display on the right side
WidgetsRight: [Tray, Packages, Audio, Bluetooth, Network, Disk, VRAM, GPU, RAM, CPU, Battery, Power]
# The CPU sensor to use
CPUThermalZone: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:18.3/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input
# The command to execute on suspend
SuspendCommand: ~/.config/scripts/ suspend
# The command to execute on lock
LockCommand: ~/.config/scripts/ lock
# The command to execute on exit
ExitCommand: killall Hyprland
# The folder, where the battery sensors reside
BatteryFolder: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1
# Threshold, when the battery is considered low and a different color (as specified by the 'battery-warning' CSS property) is applied
BatteryWarnThreshold: 20
# The partition to monitor with disk sensor
DiskPartition: /
# Overrides the icon of the nth (in this case the first) workspace.
# Please note the missing space between "," and the symbol. Adding a space here adds it to the bar too!
#WorkspaceSymbol: 1,
# The default symbol for the workspaces
DefaultWorkspaceSymbol: 
# All of the icons that can be modified.
# Please note that some icons require a space ("\s") (e.g. default ShutdownIcon)
ShutdownIcon: \s
RebootIcon: 󰑐
SleepIcon: 󰏤
LockIcon: 
ExitIcon: 󰗼
BTOffIcon: 󰂲
BTOnIcon: 󰂯
BTConnectedIcon: 󰂱
DevKeyboardIcon: 󰌌\s
DevMouseIcon: 󰍽\s
DevHeadsetIcon: 󰋋\s
DevControllerIcon: 󰖺\s
DevUnknownIcon: \s
SpeakerMutedIcon: 󰝟
SpeakerHighIcon: 󰕾
MicMutedIcon: 󰍭
MicHighIcon: 󰍬
PackageOutOfDateIcon: 󰏔\s
# Scroll through the workspaces of the current monitor instead of all workspaces
WorkspaceScrollOnMonitor: true
# When true: Scroll up -> Next workspace instead of previous workspace. Analogous with scroll down
WorkspaceScrollInvert: false
# Number of workspaces to display. Displayed workspace IDs are 1-n (Default: 1-9)
NumWorkspaces: 9
# Use Hyprland IPC instead of the ext_workspace protocol for workspace polling.
# Hyprland IPC is *slightly* less performant (+0.1% one core), but way less bug prone,
# since the protocol is not as feature complete as Hyprland IPC.
# NOTE: Hyprland no longer supports ext-workspace-unstable-v1 as of commit bb09334.
# Hyprland IPC is thus *required* for workspace support under Hyprland >=v0.30.0!
UseHyprlandIPC: true
# The location of the bar
# Needs to be capitalized!!
# Values are: L (Left), R (Right), T (Top), B (bottom)
Location: T
# When the location is set to side, this option forces everything (even text) to be right-side up.
# *Always* make sure to enable SensorTooltips when enabling this option. Failure to do so *will* cause graphical issues.
IconsAlwaysUp: false
# Forces the widgets in the center to be centered.
# This can cause the right widget to clip outside, if there is not enough space on screen (e.g. when opening the text)
# Setting this to false will definitely fix this issue, but it won't look very good, since the widgets will be off-center.
# So try to decrease "CenterSpace" first, before setting this configuration to false.
# Legacy name: CenterTime
CenterWidgets: true
# How much space should be reserved for the center widgets. Setting this too high can cause the right widgets to clip outside.
# Therefore try to set it as low as possible if you experience clipping.
# Although keep in mind, that a value that is too low can cause the widget to be be off-center,
# which can also cause clipping.
# If you can't find an optimal value, consider setting 'CenterWidgets' to false
# Legacy name: TimeSpace
CenterSpace: 300
# Set datetime style
DateTimeStyle: %a %D - %H:%M:%S %Z
# Set datetime locale (defaults to system locale if not set or set to empty string)
#DateTimeLocale: de_DE.utf8
# Adds a audio input(aka. microphone) widget
AudioInput: false
# Sets the audio slider to be on reveal (Just like the sensors) when true. Only affects the bar.
AudioRevealer: false
# Sets the rate of change of the slider on each scroll. In Percent
AudioScrollSpeed: 5
# Display numbers instead of a slider for the two audio widgets. Doesn't affect the audio flyin
AudioNumbers: false
# Command that is run to check if there are out-of-date packages.
# The script should return *ONLY* a number. If it doesn't output a number, updates are no longer checked.
# Default value is applicable for Arch Linux. (See data/ for a human-readable version)
CheckPackagesCommand: p="$(checkupdates)"; e=$?; if [ $e -eq 127 ] ; then exit 127; fi; if [ $e -eq 2 ] ; then echo "0" && exit 0; fi; echo "$p" | wc -l
# How often to check for updates. In seconds
CheckUpdateInterval: 300
# Limits the range of the audio slider. Only works for audio output.
# Slider "empty" is AudioMinVolume, Slider "full" is AudioMaxVolume
# AudioMinVolume: 30 # Audio can't get below 30%
# AudioMaxVolume: 120 # Audio can't get above 120%
# The network adapter to use. You can query /sys/class/net for all possible values
NetworkAdapter: eno1
# Disables the network widget when set to false
NetworkWidget: true
# The card to poll when using AMDGPU. If you don't have an AMD card, you can skip this config.
# Possible values can be found by querying /sys/class/drm
DrmAmdCard: card0
# Use tooltips instead of sliders for the sensors
SensorTooltips: false
# The size of the of the circular sensors
SensorSize: 24
# The size of the network icon
NetworkIconSize: 24
# Enables tray icons
EnableSNI: true
# SNIIconSize sets the icon size for a SNI icon.
# SNIPaddingTop Can be used to push the Icon down. Negative values are allowed
# SNIIconName overrides what icon from an icon theme to display.
# SNIDisabled prevents an icon from being registered.
# For all SNI properties: The first parameter is a filter of the tooltip(The text that pops up, when the icon is hovered) of the icon.
# The wildcard filter '*' does not work for SNIIconName and SNIDisabled
# Scale everything down to 25 pixels ('*' as filter means everything)
#SNIIconSize: *, 25
# Explicitly make OBS a bit smaller than default
#SNIIconSize: OBS, 23
# Nudges the Discord icon a bit down
#SNIPaddingTop: Discord, 5
# Override the default icon given to gBar by discord to an icon theme supplied one (Example is from papirus theme)
#SNIIconName: Discord, discord-tray
# Prevents steam from displaying. Note: Steam doesn't have a tooltip, which means the object path is filtered instead.
#SNIDisabled: steam, true
# These set the range for the network widget. The widget changes colors at six intervals:
# - Below Min...Bytes ("under")
# - Between ]0%;25%]. 0% = Min...Bytes; 100% = Max...Bytes ("low")
# - Between ]25%;50%]. 0% = Min...Bytes; 100% = Max...Bytes ("mid-low")
# - Between ]50%;75%]. 0% = Min...Bytes; 100% = Max...Bytes ("mid-high")
# - Between ]75%;100%]. 0% = Min...Bytes; 100% = Max...Bytes ("high")
# - Above Max...Bytes ("over")
MinDownloadBytes: 0
MaxDownloadBytes: 10485760 # 10 * 1024 * 1024 = 10 MiB
MinUploadBytes: 0
MaxUploadBytes: 5242880 # 5 * 1024 * 1024 = 5 MiB