#include "std_lib_inc.h" // A program which allows you to wander across a maze using 'w','a','s' and 'd'. const vector> play_field = { // playspace[y][x] {'#', '.', '.', '.', '.'}, {'#', '.', '#', '.', '.'}, {'.', 'Z', '#', '.', '.'}, {'.', '#', '#', '#', '.'}, {'.', '.', '.', '.', '.'} // ^ player starts here (4,0) }; /* legend * S - player * Z - goal * . - empty space * # - wall */ /// Use inputs to move the player. Don't move the player, if move is illegal vector move_player(vector player_pos, char input); /// Check if the player could be moved to a certain space bool can_move_player(vector player_pos, int move_x, int move_y); /// Check if a certain space can be moved to bool is_pos_free(int x, int y); /// Render the current playfield to the console void render_play_field(vector player_pos); int main() { // Create player position formatted as (y, x) vector player_pos = {4, 0}; // Create input variable char input; // Run the game loop while (true) { // Render the play field render_play_field(player_pos); // Get input cin >> input; // Vaildate input if (!cin) { cout << "Diese Eingabe kenne ich nicht. Gib 'h' ein, um eine Hilfe zu erhalten.\n"; continue; } // move player based on inputs, don't move player, if move would be illegal player_pos = move_player(player_pos, input); // Check if the goal has been reached yet if (play_field[player_pos[0]][player_pos[1]] == 'Z') { // Render the play field one last time to display the completed maze render_play_field(player_pos); // Goal reached! Let's celebrate! cout << "Ziel erreicht! Herzlichen Glueckwunsch!\n"; break; } } // End the program return 0; } vector move_player(vector player_pos, char input) { switch (input) { case 'w': // Check if it is possible to move player to target pos if (can_move_player(player_pos, 0, -1)) --player_pos[0]; break; case 'a': // Check if it is possible to move player to target pos if (can_move_player(player_pos, -1, 0)) --player_pos[1]; break; case 's': // Check if it is possible to move player to target pos if (can_move_player(player_pos, 0, 1)) ++player_pos[0]; break; case 'd': // Check if it is possible to move player to target pos if (can_move_player(player_pos, 1, 0)) ++player_pos[1]; break; case 'h': // Print help text to console cout << "Gebe 'w', 'a', 's', oder 'd' ein zum bewegen. Gebe 'h' ein um diesen Text anzuzeigen\n"; break; default: // Target action not recognized. Print 'error' message to screen cout << "Diese Eingabe kenne ich nicht. Gib 'h' ein, um eine Hilfe zu erhalten.\n"; break; } return player_pos; } bool can_move_player(const vector player_pos, const int move_x, const int move_y) { // Calculate the position we want to be at const int target_x = player_pos[1] + move_x; const int target_y = player_pos[0] + move_y; // Check if the position can be moved to const bool result = is_pos_free(target_x, target_y); if (!result) // Complain if not cout << "Bewegung nicht moeglich!\n"; return result; // Return result } bool is_pos_free(const int x, const int y) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > 4 || y > 4) return false; // Target pos out of bounds of area if (play_field[y][x] == '#') return false; // Target pos is a wall return true; // Target pos is movable to (is not wall and not out of bounds) } void render_play_field(const vector player_pos) { for (int i = 0; i < play_field.size(); ++i) { // For every row... for (int j = 0; j < play_field[i].size(); ++j) { // ... render ... if (i == player_pos[0] && j == player_pos[1]) cout << "S"; // ... 'S' if it is the entry where the player is currently else cout << play_field[i][j]; // ... the actual entry of the field } cout << "\n"; // Finish the row by ending the actively drawn line } }