mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 18:33:41 +01:00
225 lines
7.9 KiB
225 lines
7.9 KiB
![]() |
var binary = require('binary');
var PullStream = require('../PullStream');
var unzip = require('./unzip');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var BufferStream = require('../BufferStream');
var parseExtraField = require('../parseExtraField');
var Buffer = require('../Buffer');
var path = require('path');
var Writer = require('fstream').Writer;
var parseDateTime = require('../parseDateTime');
var signature = Buffer.alloc(4);
function getCrxHeader(source) {
var sourceStream = source.stream(0).pipe(PullStream());
return sourceStream.pull(4).then(function(data) {
var signature = data.readUInt32LE(0);
if (signature === 0x34327243) {
var crxHeader;
return sourceStream.pull(12).then(function(data) {
crxHeader = binary.parse(data)
}).then(function() {
return sourceStream.pull(crxHeader.pubKeyLength +crxHeader.signatureLength);
}).then(function(data) {
crxHeader.publicKey = data.slice(0,crxHeader.pubKeyLength);
crxHeader.signature = data.slice(crxHeader.pubKeyLength);
crxHeader.size = 16 + crxHeader.pubKeyLength +crxHeader.signatureLength;
return crxHeader;
// Zip64 File Format Notes: https://pkware.cachefly.net/webdocs/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT
function getZip64CentralDirectory(source, zip64CDL) {
var d64loc = binary.parse(zip64CDL)
if (d64loc.signature != 0x07064b50) {
throw new Error('invalid zip64 end of central dir locator signature (0x07064b50): 0x' + d64loc.signature.toString(16));
var dir64 = PullStream();
return dir64.pull(56)
// Zip64 File Format Notes: https://pkware.cachefly.net/webdocs/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT
function parseZip64DirRecord (dir64record) {
var vars = binary.parse(dir64record)
if (vars.signature != 0x06064b50) {
throw new Error('invalid zip64 end of central dir locator signature (0x06064b50): 0x0' + vars.signature.toString(16));
return vars
module.exports = function centralDirectory(source, options) {
var endDir = PullStream(),
records = PullStream(),
tailSize = (options && options.tailSize) || 80,
if (options && options.crx)
crxHeader = getCrxHeader(source);
return source.size()
.then(function(size) {
sourceSize = size;
.on('error', function (error) { endDir.emit('error', error) })
return endDir.pull(signature);
.then(function() {
return Promise.props({directory: endDir.pull(22), crxHeader: crxHeader});
.then(function(d) {
var data = d.directory;
startOffset = d.crxHeader && d.crxHeader.size || 0;
vars = binary.parse(data)
// Is this zip file using zip64 format? Use same check as Go:
// https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/archive/zip/reader.go#L503
// For zip64 files, need to find zip64 central directory locator header to extract
// relative offset for zip64 central directory record.
if (vars.numberOfRecords == 0xffff|| vars.numberOfRecords == 0xffff ||
vars.offsetToStartOfCentralDirectory == 0xffffffff) {
// Offset to zip64 CDL is 20 bytes before normal CDR
const zip64CDLSize = 20
const zip64CDLOffset = sourceSize - (tailSize - endDir.match + zip64CDLSize)
const zip64CDLStream = PullStream();
return zip64CDLStream.pull(zip64CDLSize)
.then(function (d) { return getZip64CentralDirectory(source, d) })
.then(function (dir64record) {
vars = parseZip64DirRecord(dir64record)
} else {
vars.offsetToStartOfCentralDirectory += startOffset;
.then(function() {
vars.extract = function(opts) {
if (!opts || !opts.path) throw new Error('PATH_MISSING');
return vars.files.then(function(files) {
return Promise.map(files, function(entry) {
if (entry.type == 'Directory') return;
// to avoid zip slip (writing outside of the destination), we resolve
// the target path, and make sure it's nested in the intended
// destination, or not extract it otherwise.
var extractPath = path.join(opts.path, entry.path);
if (extractPath.indexOf(opts.path) != 0) {
var writer = opts.getWriter ? opts.getWriter({path: extractPath}) : Writer({ path: extractPath });
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
}, opts.concurrency > 1 ? {concurrency: opts.concurrency || undefined} : undefined);
vars.files = Promise.mapSeries(Array(vars.numberOfRecords),function() {
return records.pull(46).then(function(data) {
var vars = binary.parse(data)
vars.offsetToLocalFileHeader += startOffset;
vars.lastModifiedDateTime = parseDateTime(vars.lastModifiedDate, vars.lastModifiedTime);
return records.pull(vars.fileNameLength).then(function(fileNameBuffer) {
vars.pathBuffer = fileNameBuffer;
vars.path = fileNameBuffer.toString('utf8');
vars.isUnicode = vars.flags & 0x11;
return records.pull(vars.extraFieldLength);
.then(function(extraField) {
vars.extra = parseExtraField(extraField, vars);
return records.pull(vars.fileCommentLength);
.then(function(comment) {
vars.comment = comment;
vars.type = (vars.uncompressedSize === 0 && /[\/\\]$/.test(vars.path)) ? 'Directory' : 'File';
vars.stream = function(_password) {
return unzip(source, vars.offsetToLocalFileHeader,_password, vars);
vars.buffer = function(_password) {
return BufferStream(vars.stream(_password));
return vars;
return Promise.props(vars);