name: "Gradle Build Action" description: 'Executes a Gradle build, caching useful state in the GitHub actions cache' # inputs: gradle-executable: description: Path to the Gradle executable required: false gradle-version: description: Gradle version to use required: false build-root-directory: description: Path to the root directory of the build required: false arguments: description: Gradle command line arguments (supports multi-line input) required: false cache-disabled: description: When 'true', all caching is disabled. No entries will be written to or read from the cache. required: false default: false cache-read-only: description: When 'true', existing entries will be read from the cache but no entries will be written. required: false default: false # e.g. Use the following setting to only write cache entries from your 'main' branch # cache-read-only: ${{ github.ref != 'refs/heads/main' }} gradle-home-cache-includes: description: Paths within Gradle User Home to cache. required: false default: | caches notifications gradle-home-cache-excludes: description: Paths within Gradle User Home to exclude from cache. required: false # e.g. Use the following setting to prevent the local build cache from being saved/restored # gradle-home-cache-excludes: | # ["caches/build-cache-1"] # EXPERIMENTAL & INTERNAL CONFIGURATION PROPERTIES # The following action properties allow fine-grained tweaking of the action caching behaviour. # These properties are not designed for production use, and may change without notice in a subsequent release of `gradle-build-action`. # Use at your own risk! workflow-job-context: description: Used to uniquely identify the current job invocation. Defaults to the matrix values for this job; this should not be overridden by users (INTERNAL). required: false default: ${{ toJSON(matrix) }} gradle-home-extracted-cache-entries: description: Names and patterns of artifacts in Gradle User Home to cache separately. (EXPERIMENTAL - may be changed/removed without notice) required: false default: | [ ["generated-gradle-jars", "caches/*/generated-gradle-jars/*.jar"], ["wrapper-zips", "wrapper/dists/*/*/*.zip"], ["dependencies", "caches/modules-*/files-*/*/*/*/*/"], ["instrumented-jars", "caches/jars-*/*/"], ["kotlin-dsl", "caches/*/kotlin-dsl/*/*/"] ] outputs: build-scan-url: description: Link to the build scan if any runs: using: 'node12' main: 'dist/main/index.js' post: 'dist/post/index.js' post-if: success() branding: icon: 'box' color: 'gray-dark'