import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as cache from '@actions/cache' /** * Collects information on what entries were saved and restored during the action. * This information is used to generate a summary of the cache usage. */ export class CacheListener { cacheEntries: CacheEntryListener[] = [] cacheReadOnly = false cacheWriteOnly = false cacheDisabled = false cacheDisabledReason = 'disabled' get fullyRestored(): boolean { return this.cacheEntries.every(x => !x.wasRequestedButNotRestored()) } get cacheStatus(): string { if (!cache.isFeatureAvailable()) return 'not available' if (this.cacheDisabled) return this.cacheDisabledReason if (this.cacheWriteOnly) return 'write-only' if (this.cacheReadOnly) return 'read-only' return 'enabled' } entry(name: string): CacheEntryListener { for (const entry of this.cacheEntries) { if (entry.entryName === name) { return entry } } const newEntry = new CacheEntryListener(name) this.cacheEntries.push(newEntry) return newEntry } stringify(): string { return JSON.stringify(this) } static rehydrate(stringRep: string): CacheListener { if (stringRep === '') { return new CacheListener() } const rehydrated: CacheListener = Object.assign(new CacheListener(), JSON.parse(stringRep)) const entries = rehydrated.cacheEntries for (let index = 0; index < entries.length; index++) { const rawEntry = entries[index] entries[index] = Object.assign(new CacheEntryListener(rawEntry.entryName), rawEntry) } return rehydrated } } /** * Collects information on the state of a single cache entry. */ export class CacheEntryListener { entryName: string requestedKey: string | undefined requestedRestoreKeys: string[] | undefined restoredKey: string | undefined restoredSize: number | undefined notRestored: string | undefined savedKey: string | undefined savedSize: number | undefined notSaved: string | undefined constructor(entryName: string) { this.entryName = entryName } wasRequestedButNotRestored(): boolean { return this.requestedKey !== undefined && this.restoredKey === undefined } markRequested(key: string, restoreKeys: string[] = []): CacheEntryListener { this.requestedKey = key this.requestedRestoreKeys = restoreKeys return this } markRestored(key: string, size: number | undefined): CacheEntryListener { this.restoredKey = key this.restoredSize = size return this } markNotRestored(message: string): CacheEntryListener { this.notRestored = message return this } markSaved(key: string, size: number | undefined): CacheEntryListener { this.savedKey = key this.savedSize = size return this } markAlreadyExists(key: string): CacheEntryListener { this.savedKey = key this.savedSize = 0 return this } markNotSaved(message: string): CacheEntryListener { this.notSaved = message return this } } export function writeCachingReport(listener: CacheListener): void { const entries = listener.cacheEntries core.summary.addRaw( `\n

Caching for gradle-build-action was ${listener.cacheStatus} - expand for details

\n` ) core.summary.addTable([ [ {data: '', header: true}, {data: 'Count', header: true}, {data: 'Total Size (Mb)', header: true} ], ['Entries Restored', `${getCount(entries, e => e.restoredSize)}`, `${getSize(entries, e => e.restoredSize)}`], ['Entries Saved', `${getCount(entries, e => e.savedSize)}`, `${getSize(entries, e => e.savedSize)}`] ]) core.summary.addHeading('Cache Entry Details', 5) const entryDetails = renderEntryDetails(listener) core.summary.addRaw(`
`) } export function logCachingReport(listener: CacheListener): void { const entries = listener.cacheEntries core.startGroup(`Caching for gradle-build-action was ${listener.cacheStatus} - expand for details`) `Entries Restored: ${getCount(entries, e => e.restoredSize)} (${getSize(entries, e => e.restoredSize)} Mb)` )`Entries Saved : ${getCount(entries, e => e.savedSize)} (${getSize(entries, e => e.savedSize)} Mb)`)`Cache Entry Details`) core.endGroup() } function renderEntryDetails(listener: CacheListener): string { return listener.cacheEntries .map( entry => `Entry: ${entry.entryName} Requested Key : ${entry.requestedKey ?? ''} Restored Key : ${entry.restoredKey ?? ''} Size: ${formatSize(entry.restoredSize)} ${getRestoredMessage(entry, listener.cacheWriteOnly)} Saved Key : ${entry.savedKey ?? ''} Size: ${formatSize(entry.savedSize)} ${getSavedMessage(entry, listener.cacheReadOnly)} ` ) .join('---\n') } function getRestoredMessage(entry: CacheEntryListener, cacheWriteOnly: boolean): string { if (entry.notRestored) { return `(Entry not restored: ${entry.notRestored})` } if (cacheWriteOnly) { return '(Entry not restored: cache is write-only)' } if (entry.requestedKey === undefined) { return '(Entry not restored: not requested)' } if (entry.restoredKey === undefined) { return '(Entry not restored: no match found)' } if (entry.restoredKey === entry.requestedKey) { return '(Entry restored: exact match found)' } return '(Entry restored: partial match found)' } function getSavedMessage(entry: CacheEntryListener, cacheReadOnly: boolean): string { if (entry.notSaved) { return `(Entry not saved: ${entry.notSaved})` } if (entry.savedKey === undefined) { if (cacheReadOnly) { return '(Entry not saved: cache is read-only)' } return '(Entry not saved: reason unknown)' } if (entry.savedSize === 0) { return '(Entry not saved: entry with key already exists)' } return '(Entry saved)' } function getCount( cacheEntries: CacheEntryListener[], predicate: (value: CacheEntryListener) => number | undefined ): number { return cacheEntries.filter(e => predicate(e)).length } function getSize( cacheEntries: CacheEntryListener[], predicate: (value: CacheEntryListener) => number | undefined ): number { const bytes = => predicate(e) ?? 0).reduce((p, v) => p + v, 0) return Math.round(bytes / (1024 * 1024)) } function formatSize(bytes: number | undefined): string { if (bytes === undefined || bytes === 0) { return '' } return `${Math.round(bytes / (1024 * 1024))} MB (${bytes} B)` }