Daz DeBoer e1f84aa44d
Restore/save configuration-cache data in first action
Previously, the action was restoring/saving the configuration-cache data for each
step that applied the action. In order to support Gradle invocations that are _not_
managed by the action, the configuration-cache restore is now performed in the initial
action step, and save is performed in the final post-action step.

The build root directories are recorded for each invocation via an init script.
2021-12-08 15:09:27 -07:00

204 lines
7.2 KiB

import * as core from '@actions/core'
import * as cache from '@actions/cache'
import * as github from '@actions/github'
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs'
import {CacheListener} from './cache-reporting'
import {isCacheDebuggingEnabled, getCacheKeyPrefix, determineJobContext, handleCacheFailure} from './cache-utils'
export const META_FILE_DIR = '.gradle-build-action'
export const PROJECT_ROOTS_FILE = 'project-roots.txt'
* Represents a key used to restore a cache entry.
* The Github Actions cache will first try for an exact match on the key.
* If that fails, it will try for a prefix match on any of the restoreKeys.
class CacheKey {
key: string
restoreKeys: string[]
constructor(key: string, restoreKeys: string[]) {
this.key = key
this.restoreKeys = restoreKeys
* Generates a cache key specific to the current job execution.
* The key is constructed from the following inputs:
* - A user-defined prefix (optional)
* - The cache protocol version
* - The name of the cache
* - The runner operating system
* - The name of the Job being executed
* - The matrix values for the Job being executed (job context)
* - The SHA of the commit being executed
* Caches are restored by trying to match the these key prefixes in order:
* - The full key with SHA
* - A previous key for this Job + matrix
* - Any previous key for this Job (any matrix)
* - Any previous key for this cache on the current OS
function generateCacheKey(cacheName: string): CacheKey {
const cacheKeyBase = `${getCacheKeyPrefix()}${CACHE_PROTOCOL_VERSION}${cacheName}`
// At the most general level, share caches for all executions on the same OS
const runnerOs = process.env['RUNNER_OS'] || ''
const cacheKeyForOs = `${cacheKeyBase}|${runnerOs}`
// Prefer caches that run this job
const cacheKeyForJob = `${cacheKeyForOs}|${github.context.job}`
// Prefer (even more) jobs that run this job with the same context (matrix)
const cacheKeyForJobContext = `${cacheKeyForJob}[${determineJobContext()}]`
// Exact match on Git SHA
const cacheKey = `${cacheKeyForJobContext}-${github.context.sha}`
return new CacheKey(cacheKey, [cacheKeyForJobContext, cacheKeyForJob, cacheKeyForOs])
export abstract class AbstractCache {
private cacheName: string
private cacheDescription: string
private cacheKeyStateKey: string
private cacheResultStateKey: string
protected readonly gradleUserHome: string
protected readonly cacheDebuggingEnabled: boolean
constructor(gradleUserHome: string, cacheName: string, cacheDescription: string) {
this.gradleUserHome = gradleUserHome
this.cacheName = cacheName
this.cacheDescription = cacheDescription
this.cacheKeyStateKey = `CACHE_KEY_${cacheName}`
this.cacheResultStateKey = `CACHE_RESULT_${cacheName}`
this.cacheDebuggingEnabled = isCacheDebuggingEnabled()
init(): void {
const actionCacheDir = path.resolve(this.gradleUserHome, '.gradle-build-action')
fs.mkdirSync(actionCacheDir, {recursive: true})
const initScriptsDir = path.resolve(this.gradleUserHome, 'init.d')
fs.mkdirSync(initScriptsDir, {recursive: true})
this.initializeGradleUserHome(this.gradleUserHome, initScriptsDir)
* Restores the cache entry, finding the closest match to the currently running job.
async restore(listener: CacheListener): Promise<void> {
const entryListener = listener.entry(this.cacheDescription)
const cacheKey = this.prepareCacheKey()
`Requesting ${this.cacheDescription} with
const cacheResult = await this.restoreCache(this.getCachePath(), cacheKey.key, cacheKey.restoreKeys)
entryListener.markRequested(cacheKey.key, cacheKey.restoreKeys)
if (!cacheResult) {`${this.cacheDescription} cache not found. Will initialize empty.`)
core.saveState(this.cacheResultStateKey, cacheResult.key)
entryListener.markRestored(cacheResult.key, cacheResult.size)`Restored ${this.cacheDescription} from cache key: ${cacheResult.key}`)
try {
await this.afterRestore(listener)
} catch (error) {
core.warning(`Restore ${this.cacheDescription} failed in 'afterRestore': ${error}`)
prepareCacheKey(): CacheKey {
const cacheKey = generateCacheKey(this.cacheName)
core.saveState(this.cacheKeyStateKey, cacheKey.key)
return cacheKey
protected async restoreCache(
cachePath: string[],
cacheKey: string,
cacheRestoreKeys: string[] = []
): Promise<cache.CacheEntry | undefined> {
try {
return await cache.restoreCache(cachePath, cacheKey, cacheRestoreKeys)
} catch (error) {
handleCacheFailure(error, `Failed to restore ${cacheKey}`)
return undefined
protected async afterRestore(_listener: CacheListener): Promise<void> {}
* Saves the cache entry based on the current cache key unless the cache was restored with the exact key,
* in which case we cannot overwrite it.
* If the cache entry was restored with a partial match on a restore key, then
* it is saved with the exact key.
async save(listener: CacheListener): Promise<void> {
// Retrieve the state set in the previous 'restore' step.
const cacheKeyFromRestore = core.getState(this.cacheKeyStateKey)
const cacheResultFromRestore = core.getState(this.cacheResultStateKey)
if (cacheResultFromRestore && cacheKeyFromRestore === cacheResultFromRestore) {`Cache hit occurred on the cache key ${cacheKeyFromRestore}, not saving cache.`)
try {
await this.beforeSave(listener)
} catch (error) {
core.warning(`Save ${this.cacheDescription} failed in 'beforeSave': ${error}`)
}`Caching ${this.cacheDescription} with cache key: ${cacheKeyFromRestore}`)
const cachePath = this.getCachePath()
const savedEntry = await this.saveCache(cachePath, cacheKeyFromRestore)
if (savedEntry) {
listener.entry(this.cacheDescription).markSaved(savedEntry.key, savedEntry.size)
protected async beforeSave(_listener: CacheListener): Promise<void> {}
protected async saveCache(cachePath: string[], cacheKey: string): Promise<cache.CacheEntry | undefined> {
try {
return await cache.saveCache(cachePath, cacheKey)
} catch (error) {
handleCacheFailure(error, `Failed to save cache entry ${cacheKey}`)
return undefined
protected debug(message: string): void {
if (this.cacheDebuggingEnabled) {
} else {
protected abstract getCachePath(): string[]
protected abstract initializeGradleUserHome(gradleUserHome: string, initScriptsDir: string): void